Turkish Bath · Sauna · SPA

Pool Maintenance Instructions

Havuz Bakım Talimatı

Daily maintenance of a swimming pool must be performed by a staff member in charge with the pool and this person must observe the pool surface checking for any irregularities. Tests must be conducted to measure the pH, free chlorine, and total chlorine. The functionality of electrical control panels and ventilation systems must be checked. It must be ensured that the pool floor suction valves are opened by 15-30% when the pool is operational. The balance tank valves must be opened and the water level must be checked. It must be ensured that the water is at a standard level. Using the meters on the pool walls, the temperature of the pool and the environment must be observed. Such observation must be performed using a thermometer if no digital display available. These measurements must be recorded in the Daily Pool Maintenance Sheet. Lane dividers, diving platforms, grating, etc. any physical and mechanic parts must be checked and the instructions must be followed.

Backwash Instructions 

The following steps must be taken with care in order to complete the pool maintenance checklist.

● Manometer measurements must be checked every time the pool floor is cleaned;

● Filters must not be subjected to backwash spontaneously, and this must be done one by one;

● Motors must be stopped;

● The valve arm must be switched to ‘backwash’;

● The water must be visually observed during this process for murkiness and clearing;

● The motor must be stopped when the water is clear;

● The valve arm must be switched to ‘rinse’;

● A single motor must be activated;

● The water must be visually observed during this process for murkiness and clearing;

● Motor must be deactivated when the water is clear;

● The valve arm must be switched to ‘filter’;

● Backwash must also be performed for the filter following the same steps above;

● Water level regulator must be used to observe the water lost;

● Manometers must be checked for backwash and this process must be performed at least once a week.

Things to Consider in Pool Maintenance

Access to the pool must be from a single point and the pool must be encircled with frames in order to protect against external elements. The maintenance instructions must be followed before opening the pool for use so that the personal measures can be effective. A foot disinfection container must be placed at the entrance of the pool to avoid any fungal infection. It is important to instruct the users of the pool to take a shower before using the pool and shower area must be close to the entrance. Changing rooms and bathrooms must be hygienic and the users must be 

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